Since graduating with a master's in spatial analysis from Ryerson University, I have dedicated my career to building enterprise cloud data platforms to enhance companies' analytics capabilities. Early on in my career, I realized I thoroughly enjoyed automating data pipelines and pursued a career as a data engineer. Day to day, I enjoy taking on exciting new challenges and keeping my skills up to date with the latest big data technologies and where the field is going. I enjoy enhancing my experience and expertise in AWS by continuing to achieve AWS certifications and working\leading AWS projects as a consultant. I am always looking at how we can expand companies' data platforms to solve real-world problems.
I have expertise in AWS (2x AWS Certified), SQL database, web scraping, geodatabase, NoSQL database design, Raster Imagery, Python, API development, web-GIS development, geospatial ETL, FME and leveraging an array of data services including web services and geospatial data. In my spare time, I like to produce videos for my youtube channel to share tutorials and walkthroughs related to data engineering:
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